(a la izquierda, una columna de destilación Savalle de 1867)
Este trabajo es lo que tiene, que a veces te das unas escapadas y visitas a gente y sitios fantásticos...
Hemos tenido el honor de que Luis Castaños, vice-presidente de ADOPRON (Asociación Dominicana de Productores de Ron) nos llevase a dar una vuelta por el "Museo del Ron y la Caña" en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, a ver las piezas antiguas que allí conservan, la "cunyaya" o "maja culo", que se usaba antes del trapiche para exprimir la caña de azúcar, una columna de destilación Savalle de 1867, instrumetal de antiguos laboratorios donde se pesaban los alcoholes, algunas botellas de ron local, caña de azúcar en el patio, de la que comimos trocitos y exprimimos para beberlas allí mismo... Oh, sí!
Aparte de probar el Siboney, un ron que ya perdió el trono que tenía antaño, ocupado ahora por Brugal y Barceló, probé el Macorix 8 años, cuya mezcla formuló precisamente Luis Castaños hace un tiempo ya. Suave, ligero, sin complicaciones.
El museo está en:
Calle Isabel la Católica 261
Zona Colonial, Sto. Domingo
Rep. Dom.
::::::Telf: (809) 685 5111::::::
Un saludo y mis agradecimientos a Luiselle, que nos trató allí de maravilla, en el bar del museo. Con Cariño, muchísimas gracias!

(esta foto es solo para fardar / this pic's only for showing off purposes)
One thing, among others, that we have to give this job is the fact that we get to travel now and then, and get to know some fantastic places and really nice people...
We've been honoured by Luis Castaños, vice-president of ADOPRON (Dominican Asociation of Rum Producers), taking us for a walk and some sightseeing by the "Museum of Rum and Sugarcane" in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, where they still preserve a few antiques, like the "cunyaya" or "maja culo", predecessor of the "trapiche" formerly used to squeeze the sugarcane, as well as a Savalle column still from 1867, tools from old laboratories wich were used to measure alcohols, a few bottles of local rum, actual sugarcane in their patio from wich we cut, squeeze to get its juice and drink it right there... Oh, yeah!
Not only we tasted Siboney rum, a local rum that lost its throne, nowadays occupied by Brugal and Barceló, I also tasted Macorix 8 years old, wich is actually blended by Luis Catsaños himself some time a go now. Smooth, light, with no complications...
The museum is at:
Calle Isabel la Católica 261
Zona Colonial, Sto. Domingo
Rep. Dom.
::::::Telf: (809) 685 5111::::::
My best regards to Luiselle, who looked after us just wonderfully at the bar. Thank you so much!
We've been honoured by Luis Castaños, vice-president of ADOPRON (Dominican Asociation of Rum Producers), taking us for a walk and some sightseeing by the "Museum of Rum and Sugarcane" in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, where they still preserve a few antiques, like the "cunyaya" or "maja culo", predecessor of the "trapiche" formerly used to squeeze the sugarcane, as well as a Savalle column still from 1867, tools from old laboratories wich were used to measure alcohols, a few bottles of local rum, actual sugarcane in their patio from wich we cut, squeeze to get its juice and drink it right there... Oh, yeah!
Not only we tasted Siboney rum, a local rum that lost its throne, nowadays occupied by Brugal and Barceló, I also tasted Macorix 8 years old, wich is actually blended by Luis Catsaños himself some time a go now. Smooth, light, with no complications...
The museum is at:
Calle Isabel la Católica 261
Zona Colonial, Sto. Domingo
Rep. Dom.
::::::Telf: (809) 685 5111::::::
My best regards to Luiselle, who looked after us just wonderfully at the bar. Thank you so much!
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