Así que celebrémoslo estemos donde estemos, en cualquier parte del mundo, tomándonos un cóctel, el que nos guste, o con una botella de vino, brindando por el fin de la prohibición de hace 76 años. Yo lo haré, cómo no, con un Daikirí de Jengibre.
Y brindemos también por un accidente que se ha quedado solo en un susto y no más, en estos días; el pasado martes 01 de diciembre hacia las 17:30 un gran incendio que duró ocho horas arrasó un almacén de barricas de la destilería de ron J. Wray & Nephews, en Jamaica. Por suerte no ha habido ni heridos ni pérdidas de ron, pues se trataba de un almacén en el que solo guardaban barricas vacías, donde las ensamblaban. Los almacenes que guardan el ron y productos finales quedaron a salvo, así que Greta Bogues y Paul Henriques, en representación de la compañía, han avisado que no se quedarán cortos en su abastecimiento de ron J Wray & Nephews ni de Appleton Estate en ninguno de sus mercados.
Today's a day to be considered and celebrated in the mixology world and specially in the US, for what it means in another level: getting back a constitutional right. 76 years a go, on december the 5th, the Dry Act faced its end, the Prohibition in the USA, that lasted from 1920 until 1933 and was a period of time that gave quite a boost to the resurgence of the cocktail for the whole world. The Repeal Day.
So, let's celebrate it wherever in the world we are, having a drink, a cocktail, whatever we feel like, or a bottle of wine, drinking a toast to the end of Prohibition, 76 years a go now. Me, I'll do it with a Ginger Daikiri, of course.
And let's drink a toast, as well, to an accident that didn't go any further than a fright. in these recent days; last tuesday december the 1st at 05:30 pm a huge fire that lasted for eight hours destroyed a J. Wray & Nephews distillery's warehouse of barrels, in Jamaica. Luckily there was no human lost, not injured ones nor rum lost at all, since it was a warehouse where only empty barrels were stored. The warehoses where rum is kept remained safe, so Greta Bogues and Paul Henriques, representing the company, said that no shortage of J Wray & Nephews nor Appleton Estate rums is gonna be suffered by anyone in any of their markets.